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Recent titanium series market price analysis

titanium ore

Recently, the titanium ore market price has been relatively stable. The Panxi titanium ore market is operating stably. The titanium ore price is high. Downstream market inquiries have decreased compared with the previous period. The market is waiting and watching. The titanium ore price is temporarily stable. This week, the Hebei titanium ore environmental protection team has settled in. The supply of some titanium ore raw materials is limited, the overall supply of the market is tight, and prices are running firm; the downstream titanium dioxide market is running well, and titanium ore prices will continue to be stable.
The imported titanium ore market operates stably, with high ore prices. The supply of titanium raw materials for the chloride method is still relatively tight, and the price remains stable; the market price of titanium raw materials for the sulfate method is relatively chaotic, and the overall market price does not change much. Affected by the high domestic titanium ore prices, imported titanium ore prices remain stable. Titanium ore prices are also running firm.
Titanium slag
The operating rate of the high titanium slag market is at a low level. At the beginning of the month, northern enterprises launched a new bidding for 90% low calcium magnesium high slag, with the price reduced by 300 yuan/ton compared with the previous month. There is no bidding for ordinary high titanium slag this month; there is basically no demand in the market for common slag and high titanium slag. This year Affected by artificial rutile and imported high-titanium slag, the domestic chlorinated slag market is under great competition pressure, and the market price is weakly declining. At present, the high-slag market in Northeast China is at a low start-up, and the raw material titanium ore is high. Enterprises often suffer losses in production prices, and the high-slag market is weakly stable. run.
The acid slag market is stable this week, with ore prices at high levels, acid slag cost pressure, and downstream market demand relatively stable, so the acid slag market is temporarily stable.
Titanium tetrachloride
The titanium tetrachloride market is weak and stable. Due to the weak market demand, some titanium tetrachloride companies have reduced production. Most of the manufacturers are mainly for self-use, and the market export circulation is small. The price of downstream products is low. Some companies in the southern market have new titanium tetrachloride. The unit price has been adjusted within a narrow range. The market price difference of titanium tetrachloride between the north and the south is large, and the price of titanium tetrachloride is chaotic.
Titanium dioxide
The low price of titanium dioxide market increased in a narrow range this week. Due to the high cost of raw materials, titanium dioxide companies placed more low-price orders in the early stage, and the company’s shipping cost price was higher. Some manufacturers’ new order prices increased slightly this week; currently titanium dioxide Manufacturer inventories are low, and supply in some parts of the market is still tight; however, many terminal companies have stocked up in the early stage, and new price orders in the market have also decreased; according to market news, due to higher costs and tight market supply, the titanium dioxide market may increase in price later. It is expected that some market participants are still optimistic about the late market, and the market transaction focus is stable and upward.
sulfuric acid
The domestic sulfuric acid market is basically stable this week. The current sulfuric acid price is high, and downstream companies are under great cost pressure. The market maintains rigid procurement needs; in Shandong and Hebei, due to the increase in sulfuric acid supply in the region, the inventories of some acid plants have increased, and individual companies have adjusted new prices to promote shipments. ; The downstream market demand for phosphate fertilizers and chemicals in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other regions is still strong, and the inventory of acid plants is very high. In addition, coupled with high transportation costs, companies have increased prices to the factory, and sulfuric acid prices continue to run at a high level.
titanium sponge
The titanium sponge market has been on the rise this week. Due to the slight recovery in the downstream market, titanium sponge companies are destocking more. In addition, the market supply has shrunk, and the spot supply of titanium sponge market is tight. The prices of raw materials magnesium ingots and titanium raw materials are high, and the cost of titanium sponge companies is high. The pressure is high, the supply of low-price goods in the market is reduced, and the quotations of new orders by enterprises are strong.
Market outlook forecast:
1. The titanium ore market supply and sales are stable, and prices will remain stable;
2. Titanium dioxide manufacturers have tight inventories, and prices are expected to rise again;
3. The supply of titanium sponge market is tight, and the new market price is stable.

Post time: Sep-14-2023